Book & Wine Wednesday! Reading Sara Review: Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling

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Why Not Me? By Mindy Kaling

why not me

Rating: 4/5

Hardcover: 240 pages

Publisher: Crown Archetype; First Edition edition (September 15, 2015)

Reading Sara Review: Reading Why Not Me? was sort of like hanging out with a best friend in your pajamas watching re-runs, telling funny dating stories and laughing. It felt like the perfect Book & Wine Wednesday post because of this – though if you are an introvert like me, reading it on a Friday night with your drink to unwind from your week might be preferable.

This book is primarily made of essays that sometimes go together, and sometimes have nothing to do with each other, except that they are snippets into Mindy’s life. Whether she is telling the story of a 4-month friendship with a popular LA girl, her dating mishaps, or her encounters with President Obama, Mindy is continuously a sharp-witted, real and great writer. This book is a quick read, not in the Gone Girl page-turner sense, but the stories are fun and the writing smooth. It would be a great book for a longer flight or a Friday night in (which is how I chose to read it recently!). This book was on my fall TRB list, and I’m glad that I finally read it.

Mindy Kaling is one hard working woman. I cannot believe that she had time to write this book while writing and starring in her television show “The Mindy Project.” I assume that she was already writing this when Fox canceled her show and she transitioned it to Hulu, so that makes it even more impressive that it was finished. It is clear that she loves to write, gets energy from making people laugh and has fun telling her stories. She jokes about how often she hears that people want to be her friend/best friend and that she doesn’t understand why. I understand why. I want to be her friend too. She sounds fun, she appears down-to-earth even though she has been hugely successful (her bit about how excited she was that Malia Obama had read her first book was adorable). She is very much the everygirl’s girl. And who doesn’t want a friend like that?

If you are a Mindy Kaling fan, you have probably already read this book. If you haven’t heard of Mindy yet, I recommend her book for a light-hearted read – I promise, you too will be impressed by how hard-working she is. She deserves the accolades and the recognition because she has earned it.

Wine Recommendation: Well, it’s winter here in Colorado, so I thought I would bring you a wine mixed with something else for a fun holiday cocktail – no matter what holiday you might be celebrating or avoiding. I like a Ginger Sparkler this time of year – bubbly but sort of makes you feel healthy with ginger…sort of. You might be thinking that this is a bit fancy for a Wednesday night – well, I truly believe that any occasion can be special, even if you are drinking by yourself reading. Why not make it classy?

Ginger Sparkler, based off of a recipe from, with a few Reading Sara Additions

2 teaspoons grated peeled ginger

½ cup of sugar

1 bottle dry, sparkling wine

½ cup of Domain de Canton

Citrus Fruit for Garnish (I like grapefruit this time of year, but feel free to experiment!)

  1. In a saucepan, boil the ginger, sugar and ¼ cup of water to make syrup. Pour through a sieve and discard solid bits.
  2. In a large jar, mix sparkling wine, Domaine de Canton and juice of fruit garnish
  3. Pour about a tablespoon of syrup into glasses, top with sparkling wine mixer
  4. Add the fruit garnish and serve!

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